I eat like 150g + 100g minced pork yet I can never climb out of underweight bmi like even if I tried hard and I think I did try many times
After all it became a feature not a bug cause I can stuff myself with anything, 175g beef burgers with fried sweet potatoes and nothing changes with my weight. I hope it stays like this forever
On the other hand sometimes I forget about food all together until 5 PM because I have been hyper focused on something for hours and often I treat food like a sims bar that has to be filled and a distraction unless I really crave something
I don’t understand snacks like give me some beef instead. I want meat, chicken you know, mmm fried chicken
True. I think it depends if pasta is the main or just a side dish. But weighing spaghetti on a scale is pretty cumbersome.
I’m just imagining the infomercial of some guy knocking the plate off the scale and then spaghetti is all over the floor saying there’s got to be a better way and then another guy comes up, and rips off his shirt to reveal his spaghetti portoner nipple ring.
I’ve never thought about my spaghetti weight wise. I usually put like a bit less than half a 500g box/package. So ~200ish grams. But I usually eat twice out of it so, yeah guess the guy saying 100g is pretty accurate.
100 grams per person is the standard I grew up with, now I do 75.
I eat like 150g + 100g minced pork yet I can never climb out of underweight bmi like even if I tried hard and I think I did try many times
After all it became a feature not a bug cause I can stuff myself with anything, 175g beef burgers with fried sweet potatoes and nothing changes with my weight. I hope it stays like this forever
On the other hand sometimes I forget about food all together until 5 PM because I have been hyper focused on something for hours and often I treat food like a sims bar that has to be filled and a distraction unless I really crave something
I don’t understand snacks like give me some beef instead. I want meat, chicken you know, mmm fried chicken
I have a scale and normally weigh 140g for one meal. I might be fat. :x
It depends on your lifestyle obviously. I have a sedentary job so I need to be a bit mindful of what I put inside my body
I too have a sendentary job haha
True. I think it depends if pasta is the main or just a side dish. But weighing spaghetti on a scale is pretty cumbersome.
I’m just imagining the infomercial of some guy knocking the plate off the scale and then spaghetti is all over the floor saying there’s got to be a better way and then another guy comes up, and rips off his shirt to reveal his spaghetti portoner nipple ring.
I just take half the box and boil that, eat half of that, then eat the other half the next day
Not a fan of reheating pasta when it’s so easy to make a fresh batch tbh
I’m a single guy. I’m not cooking dinner for 1 two nights in a row.
I am one too, but I do like cooking. And I also definitely have nights when I can’t be arsed to put anything together so I get your point
And those are the night for beans n tuna.
I’ve never thought about my spaghetti weight wise. I usually put like a bit less than half a 500g box/package. So ~200ish grams. But I usually eat twice out of it so, yeah guess the guy saying 100g is pretty accurate.