Why? How often? How do you feel after?
I used to, but it’s not really a thing here.
I donate plasma once a week but right now have to take a break for a bit cause I got a tattoo. Only real Side effect is a craving for snacks and some additional cash in my wallet.
The cash part is quite nice. The donation facility I go to always has some kind of bonus programme going on too, so you usually get even more money than for a regular donation (800ml=25€ here - which is quite low, actually, as I’ve heard from US donors lol - plus a couple euros here and there).
Back when I was still working at GameStop and could barely afford rent, I’d go donate plasma 1-2x a week (2 times really is pushing it - your body needs to be fit for that) and tutor kids for some video game money. Or sometimes I’d just pay rent with the plasma money… Man, having no money sucks.
O+ over here so I know I am able to help a lot of people. When I donate, I do a “power red” which gives more than a standard pull. Using the American red cross app makes it a bit more fun since I collect badges and can track all my visits. Also, since I read it can reduce plastic in your system, I see that as a double win.
In college we would donate then go get drunk off one beer at the campus pub then go to class
Hmm, you’ve gotta think whether the alcohol would be more potent since there’s less blood, no?
That’s the whole idea!
I tried once and got a horrible headache and generally felt like crap the next day. That’s dissuaded my from trying again.
Yes. I used to donate the maximum amount of 4 times a year, but due to my inability to reasonably eat the required iron supplements, I’m now only allowed to donate once a year.
I do it for a mix of reasons - it makes me feel good about myself, I get a gift and a little bit of food, and I’ve told myself that it’s probably not a bad thing to do health-wise, although the last one is completely unfounded.
After having donated, I feel noticeably weaker when trying to do things like bike or walk fast. Usually nothing major, though.
no. im a needlephobe.
I’ve tried three times and passed out twice. I pass out with simple blood draws, so they don’t like me at the Red Cross.
Started last year and donated twice so far. The first time I got dizzy, so I did a half bag the next time and felt better. Felt better the second time, even after a long day at work.
No specific reason other than feeling good about yourself and reap any health benefit to it, if at all. Surely it must be good somehow to stimulate blood creation ? I’m happy to do it, I feel a better person for it.
You are weak the day and the next day, so better not plan any long hike or strenuous activities. But it’s okay for another long day in office.
Can’t, iron levels are always too low because I have to get blood drawn for medicine every 3 months
I tried and found a cheat code! It turns out that if you pass out during the draw and then pass out again while recovering they’ll call and pay for a cab to take you home! They did imply that I shouldn’t come back for a while though…
On a more serious note I had donated blood twice before that with less dramatic results. I like helping people and they give me free snacks afterward. I’d been going every three months because I was in university and had a lot of time for such things. I seem to feel quite tired for the rest of the day following a donation, which I found nice and relaxing. Needle anxiety (and my weak-ass hemoglobin level) aside, it was a positive experience and I’d recommend it!
Yes. I try to catch the blood mobile when it comes to town.
I think it’s helpful to someone and I like to think of it as an “oil change” for myself. Generating a fresh pint.
As someone who has received a blood transfusion, thank you random stranger whose blood is now inside me!
I want to “give back” somehow, but I obviously can’t donate blood (yet?).
I would but they don’t want it.
Most of my life I’ve not been allowed to donate blood because I’m a man who has sex with men. I believe I can now, but after decades of ineligibility it still feels weird to think about.
You are now eligible, they recently removed the requirement. It’s a nice thing to do, and I always urge people to do it if they can, but don’t give them your contact info because depending on your blood type they can be real vampires. Source I have O- blood and was contacted daily to donate blood for over a year, even when ineligible to donate blood (because I donated yesterday)