I don’t know Dark Souls, but presumably whatever it is you’re having faith in, in-game, is provably real. Then, if the object of faith is also demonstrably faithful (which, by the repeatable application of spells, sounds likely), int ought to aid faith.
That isn’t always the case, and is one of the driving themes of Miyazaki’s games: unreliable narration and corrupted ideals. So, like yes; the “gods” are real but their power or God status isn’t always what it appears to be. In some cases, the power people sought through their faith, brought them to total ruin when it wasn’t all glitz and glamour as they were told. Like people who tried to become dragons but ended up as weird mutant half dragon things. Or Rosaria’s Fingers that eventually turn into giant maggot things. Faith is very often rewarded with body horror in Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Elden Ring and even Sekiro.
I think Equip Load would have to be some kind of equation based on both. Strength allows you to lift an object. Endurance allows you to carry that object great distances before getting tired.
But str should affect your ability to hurt things with a punch even if you don’t put a strip of leather over your knuckles (100% unarmed combat does basically nothing and isn’t increased by STR; if you wanna punch things, you need at least a cestus).
Not true. At the end of Contact, Jodie Foster has to admit that her experience through the wormhole has no evidence and therefore her testimony is faith based- due to this, she is now able to cast pyromancies.
Intelligence is what my sorcery damage scales with
Isn’t that charisma-based?
I’m going by Dark Souls system
I like that to use every spell, you need intelligence and faith; so you just become a walking oxymoron.
I don’t know Dark Souls, but presumably whatever it is you’re having faith in, in-game, is provably real. Then, if the object of faith is also demonstrably faithful (which, by the repeatable application of spells, sounds likely), int ought to aid faith.
That isn’t always the case, and is one of the driving themes of Miyazaki’s games: unreliable narration and corrupted ideals. So, like yes; the “gods” are real but their power or God status isn’t always what it appears to be. In some cases, the power people sought through their faith, brought them to total ruin when it wasn’t all glitz and glamour as they were told. Like people who tried to become dragons but ended up as weird mutant half dragon things. Or Rosaria’s Fingers that eventually turn into giant maggot things. Faith is very often rewarded with body horror in Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Elden Ring and even Sekiro.
If only I could be so grossly incandescent.
I mean, if the stats were actually taken at face value, strength would increase the maximum equipment load instead of endurance
I think Equip Load would have to be some kind of equation based on both. Strength allows you to lift an object. Endurance allows you to carry that object great distances before getting tired.
But str should affect your ability to hurt things with a punch even if you don’t put a strip of leather over your knuckles (100% unarmed combat does basically nothing and isn’t increased by STR; if you wanna punch things, you need at least a cestus).
Maybe it just means your bones take more force before they snap.
Not true. At the end of Contact, Jodie Foster has to admit that her experience through the wormhole has no evidence and therefore her testimony is faith based- due to this, she is now able to cast pyromancies.