ᚨ sad Anzus noises.
Didn’t realize Phoenicians were that close to anarchy.
they were off by 120 degree
Canaanites: The heroes we needed but didn’t deserve.
what? do you even know anything about these people? they are bloodthirsty cannibals, child sacrificers
Thank God we only eat the bod… never mind.
But at least we don’t touch chil… I’ll see myself out.
Counterpoint: They’re 🐂lso the re🐂son we don’t write like this.
Sci-fi shows about ancient Egypt: 𝚲
What is that from
A Stargate episode making fun of itself, they did a few of those actually
I 🐂 m not quite sure I underst🐂nd.
And thus the unicode consortium has brought us full circle.
A is for Bull.
A is for Auroch.
I call A-shit.
Shouldn’t the first guy be also copying, but copying from a literal bull?
The question was asking to draw a bull from memory
Pleas don’t ask. Create (a meme).
The Greek didn’t realize his head was tilted
And somewhere behind the Greek guy there’s Cyrillic scribing down furiously
Cyrillic was literally byzantine propaganda, an effort by the Eastern Roman Empire(aka Byzantine Empire) to culturally assimilate/approach the slavs, in hopes for them to be friendlier to the Empire. Language and religion were the thing back then(and even today), having a similar language and religion made everyone friendlier.
Diplomacy, espionage, bribery, trading and huge ass walls were the strength of the Eastern Roman Empire.
to be fair, I once tried to make up letters for a scavenger hunt and there’s only so many scribbles you can do before you run out
Tell that to Unicode
China be laughing at this. Not to mention Ethiopia, with their 52 letter alphabet.
I mean, Chinese characters are mostly made up of other characters smashed together
In germany we do this with complete words
That is really interesting! Thank you for sharing, I learned something new :)