I can talk just like Hoggle in the Labyrinth, and I learned the trick on how to roll the balls around on my hand the way David Bowie does in the movie.
And yes, I know that David Bowie was not the person who did it. And no, I can’t do it as well as the person who did it did.
I can make my ears rumble on command.
Same here, and I also learned it trying to learn how to wiggle my ears.
Rumble? Tell me more!
I can push air out my ears, I would call it more of a crackle so maybe op is talking about something different. Never thought of is as something to be proud of though …
It’s something I can do that apparently not a lot of people can. Can’t be proud of being unique or different?
Kinda like Aphantasia, you literally have no idea it’s not the norm until someone explains it like you’re a fucking alien.
Pitty I’m nowhere near the UK though.
I figured it out while trying to teach myself to wiggle my ears.
I can use right-handed scissors with my left hand, and I can knit in both directions without switching hands. I guess being ambidextrous isn’t totally useless (if I ever break my right hand, I’ll still be able to do most things), but it’s not really useful most of the time.
No one can beat me at simon, that four color memory game. I don’t remember what my high score was but I can easily get to level 60 before I start to struggle
If I saw this in a Tinder bio, I would swipe right.
I’m not on tinder, is that the good way or the bad way?
I can pick things up with my toes. Not completely useless, maybe, but not exactly the pinnacle of tricks!
Haha me too! When I was a kid my podiatrist told me it would be good physical therapy for the growing pains I had along with flat feet. Not sure if it worked but it definitely kept me entertained!
Yoooo, I have fingertoes too!
Me too! I blame it entirely on my literal childhood interpretation of someone telling me to “cross my fingers and toes” - learned how to cross all of my toes, then picking things up came naturally after that 😂
I can fart on command, just wait a sec…
Oh shit, there goes my streak 💩
I can spin around and around indefinitely without getting dizzy.
I play the drums, but not in a band or anything. It’s pretty useless, but I’m glad I got good enough I could just play along with random songs and have fun at home. I didn’t stick with any other instrument I’ve tried to learn, so I’m pretty proud of myself to still be at it after twenty years.
My thumbs are double jointed, so I can move the middle parts 90° backwards.
Not entirely useless, but I can throw something into a trash can damn near every time without missing. Even if I can’t see the trash can, but know where it is
I can handwrite cyphered text as fast as I can write ordinarily. Never have practiced reading the cyphered text though so reading notes that I took in cypher is a pain in the ass…
I’m a very large person (250lb/110kg, over 6’/1.8m) and I walk almost silently, unless I’m trying to be loud. I’ve learned to make some kind of noise when approaching people from behind, because otherwise it almost guarantees a jump scare
Hahaha I’m the same. Totally perfected ninja walking
I call it my “stealth field.” I’ve had multiple people look directly at me, multiple times, and then jump scare when I move. I’m 6’3", and 240. The walking silently is just a bonus, though it sounds very loud to me.
I’m the opposite. Petite 5’0" lady who sounds like an entire community of elephants when I walk.
A group of elephants is called a parade.
As someone living in a noisy appartment building, can you move in next to me please!
I can smell when it’s going to snow.
I thought everyone could?
Lately I’ve learnt that not everyone can hear snow? Smell is real though.
I’m completely ambidextrous. It comes into “handy” when one hand gets tired doing a task, like writing for a long time, but no one has ever noticed and I don’t think anyone would be impressed.
That sounds amazing. I’d give my left arm to be ambidextrous.
I can whistle really well
I used to work with a lady who could whistle like it was a summery bird. She was one of the more pleasant people i’ve worked alongside in my life.
What’s your fav whistling tune?
I can’t pick a favorite. Every day I’ve got a different song stuck in my head so whatever that is I suppose. I’ll say, Andrew Bird whistles a lot in his music and whenever he’s on I’ll whistle along with him.
Dang that is some very good whistling.
Other than tuneless sort of meanderings I mostly whistle the theme song to Untalkative Bunny, or Bubble Bobble. Maybe I’m regressing lol