Snoop is in full panic mode after doing a gig for Donald
People started shunning him properly, especially because he dissed others who did the same last time the Orange won
As a fan of Snoop, my disappointment is unmeasurable
What’s the best album Snoop has released since Doggystyle? I might check it out.
Anything before reincarnated ( it was reggae and he tried to reinvent himself, decent but way different than his usual stuff) his first 3 albums were the best tho. Where he started to shine was in his collaboration stuff.
OP, do you actually think Kanye is worse than the serial rapist Cosby? And if so, what is wrong with you?
Cosbys fall came so long after he left the spotlight, for younger people the connection isnt there.
Kanye has been charged with raping an assistant at a Diddy party. I have no doubts he is also a serial rapist.
*he’s been accused. He hasn’t been charged
You’re correct - my mistake.
Thanks! I never heard of that. And there I was thinking at least he’s a nonviolent crazy person. :(
I just can’t care about Kanye and his desperate begging for attention.
What did Kanye do now?
He also recently made his wife (like, on video she’s clearly uncomfortable) basically show up nude to an award show. It’s really gross and uncomfortable.
Ye is severely mentally ill, and should have been placed into care five years ago.
Show up uninvited. It’s a certain level of special that is reserved for the likes of him, probably because he knows he’s falling into obscurity.
Not much. A series of tweets saying:
he loves hitler
he is a nazi
elon stole his nazi swag
(Yes, all three consecutive).
Then he went and said that he is autistic.
And I wish I was joking but it’s all true
Don’t do drugs, kids.
I hope he gets some mental help, he clearly needs it.
What did Kanye do that was so terrible exactly?
worse than rapist cosby!? being fucking mental is not nearly as bad as that. whoever posted this is dumber than a rock
I’m sorry but I will never hate Kanye we much as the internet wants me to
I’m not sure if you are a bad troll or just not very intelligent.
They’re using hashtags on Lemmy, so yeah, probably not the sharpest crayon in the box.
I just remembered something I haven’t thought about in a lifetime. The giant box of Crayola crayons I had as a kid - had a crappy plastic sharpener built into the box. It would tear the paper and take chunks out of the crayons but still, I used it.
Indeed, I think they were on the 64 and 128 packs
Tbf i thought it would do big text
Kanye? I remember people liking Musk. Imagine that.
I am afraid that there are still people who like him
Honestly, Cosby’s fall was larger than Kanye’s.
Unless you were alive in the 1980’s it’s hard to understand how beloved Bill Cosby was.
It was probably on-par to how Mister Rogers is remembered today.
He went from that to being completely persona non grata.
I think Kanye’s fall is nothing in comparison to that; especially considering that he still has a career even though it’s not as successful as it used to be.
Cosby was on par with how we think of Tom Hanks today. He had a dad vibe that everyone loved.
Kanye is definitely up there. Because I hate so much about what Kanye has turned into… his music is just so, so fucking good. For all his personality faults (Or diagnoses… I dont think we will ever know for certain) the man is a musical genius.
He has a lot of the telltale signs of something akin to bipolar disorder. You can see very easily his ups or downs and whether or not he has taken his meds recently.
It sucks. He looks like someone who needs help.
Oh very much so, but when someone with his means and access to treatment options keeps going off the deep end and ranting about Jews and how some black people must have wanted slavery. It reduces my sympathy.
How are Crosby and Kanye even remotely comparable?? Crosby literally sexually assaulted others. From my knowledge Kanye isn’t a sexual predator? Crazy maybe, but not a pig? Correct me if I’m wrong though.