Hey what are you guys doing this weekend? . . uh huh . . cool! cool, yeah that sounds real good . . . uh . . no, nothing here, just. y’know. Sittin around, not uh, not doing anything. Really.
You . . say pizza and a Dr K? Rad. Cool, well uh yeah have a good time then um. I’ll be around, y’know, if y’all wanna y’know hangout or whatever. *cough*
mom never lets me play Introduction to Random Signals and Noise. I’ve beaten Environmental Plant Physiology so many times and even got 100% on soil pH challenge mode.
Oh man, you were lucky. We only had “Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems - Identification Manual Number 9 - Crayfishes (astacidea) of north and Middle America”.
Mom kept saying that if I got good grades, she’d get me the “Freshwater Crayfish 12: Proceedings of the Twelfth Symposium of the International Association of Astacology held on August 3 to 9 in Augsburg, Germany” cartridge, but Algebra was hard that year…
mmm Dat downscaled side band 442hz at 15:05 chefskiss.exe
I’m pretty sure the N64 controller was designed just for this cart.