Good for you to get sober after decades of drinking.
Great work!
Isn’t that profile photo the funny bald Omegle man
Nah, Hyphonix is behind him, that’s why he looks so worried.
As a drunk who spent January getting his head right before diving back into it, I felt this shit. My depression came with a fucking purpose!
At or around this time, we made a healthy, informed, democratic decision to get back on drugs as soon as possible. It took about twelve hours.
This is very real, in my case it wasn’t about the depression but improved mental state was quite obvious even after several days without drinking. This and much better sleep. Maybe it goes hand in hand
I think you misinterpreted the meme.
Before they were sober, they felt depressed for no reason, now that they’re sober they can see many reasons to be depressed.
I do agree, though, that in reality a healthy diet, keeping off depressants like alcohol, having a good night’s sleep, and exercises (even light exercise) are all key factors to a better mental state.
And stay off social media.
That’s why I don’t stop drinking. Too risky.
me too thanks
I know this is a joke, but having been through alcohol withdrawal many times from binge drinking for way to long. Its worse than any pain I’ve ever felt in my life; it’s like inescapable shaky torture.
Really? How long does it take for that to start happening?
Daily drinker, here; longest I’ve gone in 2 years is one week. My hands were slightly shaky but that was the worst of it. I could still function just fine, but the depression was beginning to be too much.
Is alcohol the only drug you take? If so, that might have something to do with it. I’ve got other sources of dopamine to fall back onto when I’m not drinking, which probably helps with the withdrawal.
It’s different for everyone. My tolerance has been built over more than a decade. For me it was bad when it’s continuous for 3 or more days of heavy at night and a few drinks during the day to keep the hangover at bay. The quantity was somewhere around 1-1.5L 80 proof per day. I don’t do this anymore because of withdrawal. I could still function well enough and coffee helps with shakes. The depression can be bad, the horror nightmares are bad, mild hallucinating sometimes, and lots of sweating.
When I’m normal nightly drinking and no day drinking a normal night is 10 1.5oz full shots of 80 proof.
I do also stop occasionally and I know that I need to slow/stop or it will kill me. Also don’t see my number and use it to ignore your own problems. A lot of people die before they get to my quantities. For reference I’m a 185lb 5’11" dude and weirdly still am in almost half marathon shape. The exercise keeps some of the negative effects of drinking so much at bay. I also take B-vitamins every day.
I’ve used weed as risk mitigation in the past. It didn’t stick though, it makes me feel lethargic for days.
I always imagine a life where other people don’t force their ideas upon me.
I would sit by myself on a desert island while drinking, smoking and taking whatever I want.
It’s normal.