I’m not sure the best way to ask or if there is a better community to post…

I’m hoping to use my home server to control my home thermostat but not sure where to start.

Does anyone use Home Assistant for this? Another software?

I’m not sure if I’m allowed to ask about hardware here, but are there things to be aware of in making sure that a wifi thermostat is best suited for the job?

  • pageflight@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    I have ESP8266 WiFi modules running Tasmota firmware for a few parts of this. Some report temperature (and humidity just for fun), I like DS18B20 sensors better than SHT30s which seem to have a bit more self heating. Then I also have Mitsubishi mini split heat pumps for which there’s a Tasmota control library. MQTT for communication + HomeAssistant for UI + AppDaemon for automation scripts in Python.

    Examples of the UI in HA:

    Thermostat controls

    Target and actual temperature history