There’s a VP that could give it a good tumble, if you don’t mind it getting stained.
It is now a load bearing sofa.
Love the effort to protect the dog’s privacy.
This is the way
This is the only response.
Did a door materialize during the move only to later disappear? Might need to consult a holistic detective agency for this one.
The problem with a website full of nerds is that someone will beat you to even more obscure references haha
I love that aspect of lemmy.
The ACKSHUALLY snipers, not so much.
I think we’re seeing both sides of the problem.
Are the idiots protecting dog’s identities now? I saw recently a photo from someone’s dinner. Everyone had black square instead of a face. Why to take the photo then?
That dog is 100% shaming them for their failure.
Yeah that’s how we solved this problem last time I had it.
oooh, I’d say bolt cutters too for the springs
the springs were a bit of a pain with the sawzall, so when my brother needed to get rid of his couch, I picked up some bolt cutters and it went through them ezpz. They didn’t have that much tension on them
The first couch I had to do this too maybe didn’t have springs…. The second was being removed from my house because my kid jumping on the couch had snapped all the springs in half so that wasn’t an issue to begin with.
I’m glad they took the time to protect the dog’s identity!
Portal gun
When my sister bought a couch, it wouldn’t fit and so the building super “helped” her by ripping half of it to pieces in order to get it into her apartment. Then she made me put it all back together, which was rather challenging. At least the upholstery was still in one piece.
I’ll have my revenge years from now when my sister wants to get rid of the couch. She’ll try to break it up again and she’ll realize that I put it together using heavy-duty screws rather than the little nails that the factory had used. That thing is not coming apart again.
Screws are better for removal/replacement than nails, unless they’re stripped. And she’s gonna be doing it in the apartment where she can see what she’s doing. She should thank you
So strip the heads next time? No problem. Pretty sure he can handle that
Do you have access to a command terminal?
Deactivate gravity, then object clipping, reposition the couch, then enable clipping and finally set gravity back on.
You must do this in the correct order or else you and that couch are falling through the floor.
I got that glitch once. You definitely need a professional or the couch might and up in a wall.
instructions unclear. step bro stuck in the sofa now.