I wish people would stop treating landlords as a charity case. Why are we always sending public money to landlords? Subsidizing their bills? Giving them easier access into universities and training programmes? Going easy on them when they steal - yes, steal! - ‘essential’ goods like memes!
Landlords should pull themselves up by their bootstraps, work hard, and spend less on avocado toast! Don’t buy what you can’t afford! One day, with enough hard, honest landlording, you might even be able to become a tenant.
Don’t steal! You should rent it. And tip OP.
I would but my low, low income as a landlord with only 14 properties makes that impossible.
I wish people would stop treating landlords as a charity case. Why are we always sending public money to landlords? Subsidizing their bills? Giving them easier access into universities and training programmes? Going easy on them when they steal - yes, steal! - ‘essential’ goods like memes!
Landlords should pull themselves up by their bootstraps, work hard, and spend less on avocado toast! Don’t buy what you can’t afford! One day, with enough hard, honest landlording, you might even be able to become a tenant.
Hole’s not big enough. (If I had a nickel.)
That’s what she said
Then I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s strange that I found them in my butthole.
I love that one. But I was thinking of this quote