You have a 12V outlet? Why not use 120V or 220V that everyone has?
You have a 12V outlet? Why not use 120V or 220V that everyone has?
The point of art is not necessarily to convince. What if her point is to call for action, to nurture debate or to get attention to something that doesn’t get space in people’s minds. It’s a piece of art, not a PhD thesis.
As long as you talk respectfully about the art, my guess is that the artist her the point across.
I would invite people who have different opinions to make their own art reflecting their point of views. I may make my own variation of the theme.
At 10 you sound like bikini kill
Oh you though state bitch works for you? You got it backwards.
State Rep is corpo bitch. Better take the complain to porn hub, they would then order state bitch to fix it.
You don’t need to move. An atomic clock on the moon ticks faster than one on earth. 56 microseconds per day.
Usually I get annoyed at assuming a particular culture but this one is unequivocal. Muricans win this easy.
Oh yeah the other things fascists are known for is reasoning and telling the truth
Sounds like a user space application, there’s no place for this in the kernel. So would you need to upgrade kennel and reboot to update the list? Nonsense.
I wish you can find yourself more comfortable with yourself going forward. It sounds to me that your previous environment wasn’t the most nurturing for your school needs, and you shouldn’t let this mindset carry over anymore.
With your new freedoms (salary yeey) and environment (roommate, adult life) you’ll be able to re discover yourself and your expanding limits. I think you’ll be surprised of what you’re actually capable of.
Na it’s a slap in the wrist. by the way there’s more lawsuits and several examples that don’t have lawsuits
Aah I see. So what’s for day 2, Queen? Emperor? God?
Haha reinstall drivers is still an official way to fix things??? 3 and a half decades in and sounds like windows still “hold my beer” and self destructs like a plastic chair left in the sun.
reboot is the only solution, followed by full reinstall which is the only solution. Or just use arch btw lol
Ps: I don’t use arch but that joke is too easy to pass
Does he carry a Texas sized bottle of French cologne?
I don’t want to be his room mate.