(one bottle allowed per day)
My doctor thinks that’s reasonable. French in his sixties.
To be fair they had the whole “I’m not drinking more than one Litre of wine per day!” in the nineties (maybe eighties), pronounced by popular actors and so.
there was also the “french are having less coronary diseases that must be because of wine!” craze as well, which I think has been recently debunked. not that there is anything wrong with a good glass of red wine, it is just not a substitute for genetic luck, healthy diet and brisk walking when it comes to coronary health.
Would be more efficient if she’d also smoke 30 cigarettes a day.
It’s the 70s. The cigarettes are implied haha
I know someone who gets the shits from egg yokes and also coffee on occasion. This diet would work well for them because they’d shit themselves inside out after 3 days of this.
I take the smaller glass is “little water”
If this was Balkan, it would have been espresso.
Finland. Coffee, cigarette, and vodka. Called blöro
Ahh, so not apricot brandy… Oh well.
Enjoy the sauna!
Shit. Where you getting the money for so many cigarettes? Best I can do is drag a two pack of Swisher Sweets out over the week.
The finn special.
Such a foodie
Did you die yet?
There’s a lot of days when I eat less and drink more.
The diet works, you guys. I haven’t been this light in like 23 years, and back then I was quite a bit shorter. (Which is why I don’t use the word thin. I’ve never been this thin.)
edit (it’s 19:12 and my “breakfast” is this bottle of Dr Pepper that I put a few fingers of rum into)
Eggs for breakfast, eggs for dinner…
When you finally shit it will be like 2 Coke cans stuck together.
That’s what all the coffee and wine is for!
If most of the food you eat is wrapped in plastic or in a box, it’s not going to be any different.
Throws out all my rice, oatmeal, milk, and berries because they all come in either plastic or a box
You know if you eat that stuff you’re going to die eventually
Y’all motherfuckers need gardens smdh I haven’t had a plastic wrapped berry in years.
Cant help with grains though those are pretty rough at urban homestead scales
I’d love a garden. That would require a yard, which is a luxury
you know who else comes in a box
User name checks out.
Unspoken component of this diet was an array of experimental opioids and uppers that were handed out to housewives like tic-tacs.
Unlike now, when the target demographic for pharmaceutical stimulants is mainly children.
Coffee candies were promoted to acclimate children to the taste of coffee (and the bitter caffeine molecule)!
I don’t know why you’ve been downvoted but you’re right
Mother’s Little Helper
Yeah right, you give me that much wine and I’m eating all the escargot.
I would sub out a decent bottled in bond bourbon for the wine. But overall I approve of the diet.
That wine is gonna kick like a mule on an empty stomach.
And the coffee to really make you going.
Coffee to get you up wine to bring you down, everything in balance.
People eat way worse than this and manage to live through it (for a while).
Anyone actually doing something like that has a problem.
We all have problems.
eating disorders have been around forever :( we just have the language to describe it now