“You’re serious? He needs a councilor with him to keep his anger under control?”
“That’s what our intelligence suggests, captain. And there’s more… he was once involved in a bar fight with multiple Nausicans. He was stabbed through the heart, then laughed at them. Should I answer his hail?”
“You’re serious? He needs a councilor with him to keep his anger under control?”
“That’s what our intelligence suggests, captain. And there’s more… he was once involved in a bar fight with multiple Nausicans. He was stabbed through the heart, then laughed at them. Should I answer his hail?”
“Oh fuck.”
Now imagine Picard encountering a Cardassian captain with a counselor next to him… oh fuck…
That’s just Garak and his friend Garak
He also killed 11,000 of his own people at Wolf 359 and kept his title as captain
He was once captured by the worst threat to sentient life everywhere, then escaped, and used his knowledge from his imprisonment to destroy them.
He once held an opponent’s wife’s hand in a jar of acid. At a party
Ok i can’t remember this one
Thank you my fears of not having perfect recall of all TNG plot points havu been assuaged.