Speaking of the last posts, lets keep it civil guys.
Nothing left to configure? Install Gentoo!
Go help other people in forums
I do and its is very satisfying. Even though its very basic stuff.
Wanna help me right now configuring Nextcloud server on NixOS? Hehe
Nextcloud is on my list of things to learn. But NixOS, that thing scares me.
Might be your next adventure
You can search up nextcloud flake and it will have all of the needed stuff, plus in the nixos search if you go to NixOS options you can see what config options it has
Lol, that might be me in about a month or two
That’s when you start self-hosting…
This is me. I’ve been configuring my desktop environment this past week and I don’t know what else to configure
Run random commands until you break some shit
Follow me for more Linux tips
sudo rm -rf /
Write a script to delete every 5th file under /etc/.
Well that just got added to my interview question bank…heh.
hi satan
seems reasonable enough
Literally me with my Framework laptop, trying to get hidpi to work. I either get tiny text, blurry text, tiny icons, but fine text, or some other weird combination of shit. Luckily, gnome-terminal does work. So as long as I never use any GUI apps, then hidpi “works” on the Framework. 🥴👍
No, I will not switch to Fedora. Yes, I’ve tried it. No, I’m not a fan of “fixing” hidpi by avoiding scaling, everything is tiny. Yes, I’ve also tried the new Framework display at 2x scaling, no I didn’t like it.
The real solution for me is to avoid this class of problems altogether by going back to a regular dpi screen, where everything was legible, clear, and I could use whatever damn GUI apps I wanted. I’m moving back to an X11 Carbon (rip Dell XPS) next chance I get.
Get yourself a home lab, then you’ll have infinitely more stuff to configure.
That’s a endless rabbit hole that leads to multiple racks
I haven’t got their yet I’m still at the stack of old desktops sitting on top of eachother.
Me looking at my config with my own soul injected into it and nothing left to do:
Love your profile picture and banner btw
Me with NixOS lmfao
“Oh I can’t wait to get rid of the pain of reconfiguring everything constantly when I reinstall”
“Wait… where’s the rest of the stuff to reinstall? Guys?”