I am a microbiologist, I can vouch this is correct. There’s the concept of infective dose, which is the number of pathogens required to infect a host.
Humans are exposed to pathogens on a regular basis. As long as the amount of exposure is not enough to cause illness, you’re in the clear. A 7-log10 reduction should get pathogens far below the infective dose, unless you’re eating like…a solid mass of Salmonella. Gross.
Now I’m going to sous vide some chicken breasts at 120°F this weekend, for science!
I am a microbiologist, I can vouch this is correct. There’s the concept of infective dose, which is the number of pathogens required to infect a host.
Humans are exposed to pathogens on a regular basis. As long as the amount of exposure is not enough to cause illness, you’re in the clear. A 7-log10 reduction should get pathogens far below the infective dose, unless you’re eating like…a solid mass of Salmonella. Gross.
Now I’m going to sous vide some chicken breasts at 120°F this weekend, for science!
I imagine the texture will probably be… not great, lol.
Report back on your findings!
Oh, it’s 100% gonna be nasty. I’ll make a post and tag you.
Any updates on that sous vide chicken?
I didn’t get to it, but I haven’t forgotten. I’m shooting for Thursday. This week has been a whirlwind.