photons are generated at the core from matter by hydrogen fusion (bigger elements later in the star life), the photons travel to the surface by absorption and re-emition taking about 100,000 years in average to scape, despite traveling at the speed of light. so the slow part depends of perspective
Thinking about a photon’s perspective is nonsensical. You are asking for a frame of reference where the photon is at rest but the very definition of a frame of reference in relativity is one where photon’s are travelling at the speed of light. Therefore there cannot be a frame of refernece where a photon is at rest and so a photon can never have a perspective, and neither can anything travelling at the speed of light.
photons are generated at the core from matter by hydrogen fusion (bigger elements later in the star life), the photons travel to the surface by absorption and re-emition taking about 100,000 years in average to scape, despite traveling at the speed of light. so the slow part depends of perspective
And from the proton’s perspective, it is created and arrives at its ultimate destination instantly.
One has to imagine whether their life is satisfying provided it contains no journey whatsoever. Only destination.
ackchyually… the destination happens countless times before it leaves the surface of the sun
Thinking about a photon’s perspective is nonsensical. You are asking for a frame of reference where the photon is at rest but the very definition of a frame of reference in relativity is one where photon’s are travelling at the speed of light. Therefore there cannot be a frame of refernece where a photon is at rest and so a photon can never have a perspective, and neither can anything travelling at the speed of light.