Edit: Just to clarify, my stance here is not “ignore everything Trump.” He has done and will do quite a lot of things that warrant attention and concern. He’s also a serial liar and world class bullshitter. A human testament to the phrase, “actions speak louder than words.” Donald Trump’s political success has always hinged on the fact that people are quick to forget that. He’s already working overtime to distract from the fact that the majority of his campaign promises were just lies and the sooner he can make the people who voted for him forget all the pie in the sky shit they were promised, the better.

  • Impassionata@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    It’s one of the stupidest most pathetic excuses downplaying the serious things Trump is saying. It’s appropriate to take Trump seriously and literally.

    You really fucking believe he wouldn’t nuke a hurricane? Why would you believe that? He does all sorts of stupid things. Sometimes he’s told no and the morons take it as evidence that he wasn’t ever serious.

    The incoming president has declared his intent to expand the borders of the US north and south. That’s news. If you don’t take that seriously and literally, you’re just burying your head in the sand. Stop spreading this mindless denialism.