Guess it depends on how much hardware you already got lying around. I could scrounge up an SD card, an old phone charger, a fan, keyboard and mouse from my supply and I’ve got a 3D printer.
I’m all for recycling though. I’m just not sure if a $100 i5 system could handle all that bloat on the web.
If you have that lying around, you can still beat a pi 5 by only buying an i5 motherboard instead of an entire pc. As to handling the bloat, it’s faster.
By the time you factor in a case, cooling, SD card, and power supply a Pi can cost about as much (~$100) as an off lease i5.
Guess it depends on how much hardware you already got lying around. I could scrounge up an SD card, an old phone charger, a fan, keyboard and mouse from my supply and I’ve got a 3D printer.
I’m all for recycling though. I’m just not sure if a $100 i5 system could handle all that bloat on the web.
Also: I really like AV1. 😅
Have you had success with phone chargers? My RPi4 is very picky about power and is unstable on anything but the official power supply.
SD card, sure.
Old phone charger? Might not be strong enough to power a Pi 4/5; this isn’t the Pi 3 days with a microUSB.
“… and I’ve got a 3D printer.“
Yeah, you’re “ahead” of most people with that one.
This i5 could probably handle it, and you’ve got $$$ left over for an SSD.
Go with the 8500 i5 instead. I have that with a 1650 for the kids.
Was proving that you can find a half way decent machine that’s more capable than a Pi5 at the same price point (~$100)
Oh yea! Even that 6500 with a 1050 or even a 1030 crushes a PI. I have 4 1030s laying around for such an occasion.
If you have that lying around, you can still beat a pi 5 by only buying an i5 motherboard instead of an entire pc. As to handling the bloat, it’s faster.