On December 24th, 2008 I was almost 21 and drinking wine at my Grandma’s house with my family. We were having a good time. I don’t really talk to that side of the family anymore though. I got a phone call from my best friend, Kyle. I joking let my uncle answer. Kyle asked to talk to me. He sounded angry.
The next few words he said were like a a fucking nuclear bomb that seared my fucking brain for life. He said, “NineMileTower, Steve died (in Iraq). A bridge gave out, his hummer flipped, and he drowned.”
That was in 2008. I’m 37 now. I have two beautiful girls and an amazing wife. I think of Steve all the time. I ask myself, “Why do I deserve these amazing kids, wife and life, and he had to die?”
I fucking hate Christmas. I hate the stupid music. I hate fake bullshit decorations. I hate that I’m supposed to pretend that every Christmas it doesn’t fucking kill me that he isn’t here. I’m here enjoying my kids and their holiday and he’s dead.
I fucking hate Christmas.
On another note, you should never drop the news like this on a holiday/celebration.
In particular when someone has passed, nothing is going to change by time, so the timeline to spread the news is largely irrelevant.
Somehow the Christmas movie Jack Frost came up in conversation this week. (Well, the family friendly one…)
It sort of deals with a similar theme, except of course that the christmas-deceased father was reincarnated, sort of, for a time; to help the family heal.
I don’t know if watching it would help in any way. It might just make you more angry. It did help us in some strange way when my partner was dying of cancer.
Sorry for your loss. It never leaves you.
Hey man, my wife got two all-expense paid vacations to Iraq in 06 and 09 (she’s a lifer so she’s still in). She has lost some folk and it hits her hard. I’m just a civilian, and can’t fully fathom all you went through, but I’m grateful to you.
I will tell you this, you’re buddy Steve would not want you to be miserable at all, and especially at the holidays. I know enough Soldiers to know exactly what he’d be telling you.
Always remember your friend. But give yourself permission to enjoy the holidays.
Jesus Christ have some fucking empathy. It’s not like his buddy just went and shot ~20 civilians. Actual psychopathic reply.
Oh please, show some empathy. Here’s a guy mourning the death oft a loved one and this is the first thing you can think off ? Talking about world politics ?
We all know Iraq was a fucked up war ! We all know Bush junior blatantly violated international law ! We all know american soldiers committed unspeakable crimes against iraqi civillains !
But don’t say that to somebody who just opens up about their grief. That’s just being an asshole, even if you’re supposedly correct. Show some decency.
You can be an empathetic and understanding human being without compromising on your political ideals.
Pissing off your fellow citizen, leads nowhere but to further resentment.
I won’t, I won’t. I won’t stand for it. This post is ridiculous.
When Americans do it it’s “politics”.
When they do it it’s “terrorism”.
Remember that about half the internet is edgy teenagers
“My murder buddy deserves children, too” 😔
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Thank you. I appreciate you.
Sounds like a fair reason to hate it, don’t have much to say/offer besides condolences.
I imagine it would’ve made Steve smile if you made them kids and wife super happy around Christmas, but what do I know?
A few more days, then we’re on to sales, new years and that weird time when everyone’s jazzed on a new year but exhausted from the last one.
Steve was really good with kids. Probably because he was never going to grow up. He would have loved my girls.
Neither him nor I are religious people, but he still smiles in my heart at us.
A few more days and its back to regular guilt and not Christmas guilt again.
Sending a virtual cyber hug your way. I’m a bit the same with Thanksgiving. Feeling a loss during a “cheery happy time” blows. Not too much else I can say. I hope you get through it.
If you don’t mind me asking, what happened on Thanksgiving?
Different person, but I also have a Thanksgiving story. My ex fiancee broke up with me on Thanksgiving from the way back from her family celebration because I’m autistic. This came right after the news about RTO that pushed out some of my closest friends and fellow organizers.
Short story. Favorite aunt, cancer. Still miss her, so many years later.
Thank you. It odd how it gets harder the happier I get.
Traumatic events have a really powerful way of poisoning things for us sometimes. It’s okay to struggle with Christmas. It wreaks havok on my emotional well-being also, but for different reasons. Its okay to not relate to it the way others do and to find pain, rather than joy in what’s supposed to be celebration
🫂 sending love from my corner of the world to yours
I’m sorry dude. That all just sucks.
If I can offer a path of thought, it sounds a bit like you’re punishing yourself for being happy. It sounds like you have sort of a duality… You remember Christmas being a happy time with a lot of togetherness and love. And you also remember that it is the time when you heard this devastating news.
You might sit and try to sort that out… Both of those things in your brain at the same time are certain to drive anyone a bit mad.
But you don’t have to punish yourself for being happy sometimes. It really sounds like you have a big case of survivor’s guilt. There are pathways through that grief that may allow you to be happy and also honor the memory of a dear friend.
There’s no “right” answer, just an answer that’s right for you. You might consider talking to someone to help you unwind this ball of thoughts. Perhaps on the other side is something you can do every holiday in honor of your friend to help pay him back by paying it forward. While he’s not here, maybe you could do something extra to spread Christmas cheer on his behalf. There’s a hole in the world where he used to be - you could potentially help fill that.
It won’t be easy, but I’d encourage you to walk along the path of those thoughts and see if you can find some peace.
I wish you luck, whatever you decide to do.
I think this is what I needed to hear. Thank you
I hope Christmas went alright for you, and that you can look forward to a good 2025 :)
It’s crazy how just a few words can rock your whole world. I’ll never forget the minutes after I learned my brother killer himself. It fucking sucks, but nearly every one of us is going to go through that experience. We are all going to lose those close to us unless we’re the first to go. Momento mori.
I’m sorry you’re having a tough time. Make sure to keep your mental health as the top priority. You can always explain later.
Steve sounds like the kind of person who would be every bit proud of you, even posthumously. He was there for his people, after all.
He was a jackass. He was obnoxious. He was at times annoying. He was always there. He listened when no one else did. He cared like no one else does. I love him and I miss him.
Intended in the most compassionate way possible: that sucks.
Hopefully one day, you’ll be able disassociate when you heard about Steve from the anger about why.
I mean that with honest good intent, sorry if it sounds off.
I appreciate you. There’s nothing you could say that could hurt me as much as the loss. The anger will always be there, but it does get better. I understand as I get older that I’ll be er truly understand why.
To live is to suffer. One way or another.
Hey man, I’m sorry this is a rough time for you. But maybe you’re looking at Christmas all wrong.
The origin of Christmas wasn’t anything to do with the birth of Christ, but was a way for humans to get through the literal darkest time of the year. This is the moment when the natural world throws all it had against us and takes away one of the things that we require to be happy (sunlight). Society doesn’t do much, if anything, for summer solstice because most people are in a good mood. But we sure as hell do for winter solstice because, before modern society, shit was about to get rough.
I also have to face a lot of loss during this time as well. My mom died on Dec 19th 2020, and my brother overdosed and died 4 days later. Then a year later my dad died on Dec 30th. This time of year is tough for me too. And I also don’t really deserve my amazing wife and kids either. But they sure as hell don’t deserve a sad sack of a father/husband.
Therapy helps a lot with this. It can be hard to find the words to talk about this with the people you love so it can be easier with a third party. Your family deserves you to be there for them and to be legitimately happy.
I hope you find peace and can put the past behind you.
- A rando on the internet
You are amazing, thank you.
I’m sorry for your losses and thank you for your kind words.
You can get help, and likely should, given the impact. Many workplaces offer an Employee Assistance Program, or EAP. It’s not hosted by your employer it’s just easier access to therapy.
Honestly yeah man, this seems like the perfect thing to go to a therapist for - I’m a big believer that paying a person to just listen to you rant and guide you through the sort of thoughts that OP is having is one of the most effective uses for them. I’ve done it with multiple hard things and it helped me a lot.
OP - if you’ve never tried it you should. You can pay a dude to just listen to you rant, and honesty even if they’re not partiality insightful it usually still feels better to tell someone at the very least.
I’m sorry you lost your friend dude, I can only imagine how much that must hurt. I don’t know your friend but from what you’ve posted about him, I bet he wouldn’t want you to feel survivors guilt - i bet he’d want you to hug your kids and live your best life.
My closest genetic link did this, finally, in middle age. They were very resistant to the idea up until this last year. Now, they’d be Oprah on it and hand out free therapy vouchers to everyone they met if they could.
I love it. I call them Name 2.0 now. The first time I said if they stated their best friend, states away from me and someone I haven’t talked to this year, called them the same thing, Name 2.0.
We go to medical doctors for physicals and then rarely do the same for our brains? That’s always presented as a bit off to me.
That’s rough.
My best buddy died 20ish years ago, fell asleep at the wheel on the highway maybe 1km before his exit. There’s no rhyme or reason to this shit, he certainly didn’t deserve to die anymore than I deserve to live.
Yet here we are, and they aren’t.
When it gets harder, I tell myself to enjoy these things; he would if he was here.
Hey, I won’t pretend this actually works much, but it’s still nice to remind myself for a fleeting moment that he wouldn’t want me to stay in this gloomy mood.