Surprisingly wholesome for 196.
Sometimes the rules need to be ignored to treat people with a little dignity.
Or, chronic diseases which have been effectively cured aren’t considered chronic diseases anymore?
No, not that special character, only one on my special list.
Have you ever visited the real world?
If a business can’t function when a single employee goes off on leave then it doesn’t deserve to survive. Survival of the fittest, innit?
Obligatory Father Ted reference: /
Meth. Not even once.
Not one single government cares so much about it tho.
Way to generalise, bro. There are some low lying island states that are going to disappear under the rising sea levels. I think they are taking it pretty seriously.
Don’t bullshit please.
Surely small Government means repealing all that red tape enforcing individual property rights too?
I was told it was weird to use the phrase “surfing the web” the other day. I am not even that old.