is a no brainer. Built upon libvirt/Qemu/KVM it’s way more powerful and pretty much just as easy to use. There is zero reasons to use anything else. is a no brainer. Built upon libvirt/Qemu/KVM it’s way more powerful and pretty much just as easy to use. There is zero reasons to use anything else.
There are plenty of certificate authorities that will sign a personal S/MIME cert. For example:
That’s incorrect there’s full SSL on
I present to you:
It uses a blockchain for authentication, kamilia DHT for torrent discovery and signed torrents for the content. It’s been around since 2013, but it never really took off.
It also has a lot of the issues pointed out by others like possible sybil attacks.
That man is going to have a surprise when he learns where the word “privatization” comes from.
Has Home Assistant integration as well.
Or init.rd I guess? Like it or not, the whole point of systemd is to replace some legacy systems.
Have a look at systemd socket, they do exactly what you want, monitor the Unix socket and launch the service if it isn’t running when something is received on the socket! Very nifty!
Can you spell state sponsored terrorism for 10 points?
You would think… An ex of mine had a cop for landlord for a while. He neglected to change the keys after the previous really sketchy tenants. Guess who got burglarized. And yet they never found the culprits, not recovered the items.
I think you can do push-to-talk/drop-in at least via tts using BroswerMods on home assistant, that would be one option.
Navridome and Tonic are very active projects yes. Why would it not be a thing anymore? Works fantastic.
I wouldn’t.
The Wim Hof method…
Which file browser are you using?
Pretty damn easy.
qemu-img convert -f vdi -O qcow2 Windows10.vdi Windows10.qcow2
Here’s a more complete guide: