pray for her to not want to know about the reproductive habits of goats
pray for her to not want to know about the reproductive habits of goats
eh, gnome is about the same.
i always wait for at least the .1 or .2
honestly unless the higher ups complain, im looking the other way. i dont actually care all that hard.
funny thing! my amd card just crapped itself and i went back to nvidia. everything worked first time after installing the driver, actually.
i still notice a bunch of stuttering when using the desktop though but im pleasantly surprised with the newer driver in all other ways, its gonna do very well until i get the other card fixed.
paying for music has to be made cringy again
lutris works just as flawlessly nowadays using proton with minimal config.
also goes for arch. its fun, it helps you learn, ive used it before but if you are a newbie you will break stuff. things will break too, depending on your setup. use it if you are ok with that.
always a “software glitch”
if you are on linux AMD is the better choice, period.
don’t get me wrong nvidia will work relatively well, ive ran it before on linux and its actually improving. but it isnt worth the pricetag to have tons of small issues everywhere.
90k? dollars? where i live thats a life of never having to work anymore if i manage it well.
yOu aRe MadE oF sTardUst
always has been. trump isnt the cause, hes the consequence.
im not very versed in game engine design, but dont they dynamically stream them into memory before they will be needed, and discard them when they wont nowadays?
but the ones wet on the outside are icky ok.
im a picky eater dont judge.
i was about to send a screenshot, but i can’t reproduce it now. it freezes and stops responding to some or all input, and all the dock+appmenu icons are gone. its one of these or all symptoms, and i can usually reproduce it when coming back from sleep. logs say ‘broken pipe, error reading events from display’ i can update if it happens again.
I’m using the same generic ps2 driver for the touchpad. its an old alps glidepoint, i can get it to work perfectly with all features on windows 7 with the proper drivers, needless to say thats a bit unworkable.
on linux it works initially with multitouch scroll and everything, then gradually starts to behave like a wet touchscreen. ive tried different kernel versions, livebooted a couple different distros and tried a few very old solutions i found floating around, like using the synaptics driver for some reason. found it for cheap and replaced the hardware. nothing seems to do the trick.
edit: it did the thing, its usually functional enough for screenshots:
uuuuuur-fuck off a-already, morty.