Yeah but community pressure shouldn’t factor into the equation when making the decison
Yeah but community pressure shouldn’t factor into the equation when making the decison
Yeah that’s uh… that sounds about right. I wonder a lot about that generation.
Would Rod Serling, a humanist at heart, who campaigned to bring black actors onto mainstream TV sets, and always sent a message that the individual should always fight against an oppressive regime… would he too be lost in a sea of republicanism as he got older and the world changed around him?
I’m glad we’ll never know.
that’s terrible, shame on you
If our universe is bound by the laws of mathematics (big IF), then any theorem discovered within it has to be consistent or incomplete w.r.t it.
If a theorem is discovered that upends math as we know it, then the repercussions could be cosmic.
Again, big if about the universe being bound by the laws of maths
Do you have any lies to offer?
It looks like HoboTLR
Wear dark sunglasses, that way no one can see your eyes and you can compare how much attention you’re actually getting vs how much you think you’re getting.
Its probably just mild/polite curiosity
If math is actually uncovering fundamental laws of the universe, rather than just describing it at various scales, then there’s a chance we can rewrite reality with our own set of rules that would render the current ones incompatible (by Gödel’s-IT).
Whelp, now I know what to do next time I touch one.
so it’s listening, but it’s not recording/saving/processing anything until it hears the trigger phrase.
I think this is the part I hold issue with. How can you catch the right fish, unless you’re routinely casting your fishing net?
I agree that the processing/battery cost of this process is small, but I do think that they’re not just throwing away the other fish, but putting them into specific baskets.
I hold no issue with the rest of your comment
Your phone listens for the phrase “Hey Google” and uses little processing power to do so.
I need some metrics on this. It must be recording at least some things above a certain volume threshold in order to process them.
your atomically synchronized wristwatch has slowed down and stopped counting time.
Wait, surely time would move at a normal speed within your own reference frame. The act of you walking to the front of the inner-most train you are in would be a normal occurence to you, but if you looked out of the window you would see a completely frozen scene.
Only once you measure time afterwards with an observer would you notice the gaping time difference.
I leave, staring at my hand like a deer stares into headlights. Something about the way he squawked rubbed me the wrong way, and somehow I didn’t think we would be meeting in the park at night behind the gents.
My mind raced, and so I hit the streets trying to clear the whirlwind of thoughts that were eating at me. “Ah dame…?” I mouthed, the bitter taste making me dry-heave, “from California?”
I took to the nearest bar, and spotted a gray Prius parked outside. I shook my head in disgust at the antithesis of Texan virtue; an automobile beholden to no single man nor wolf, like a cowboy without a drinking problem. What was happening to the world?
“He… he asked me to just do my job, Jim” I say to the bartender. He’s supposed to be serving me a drink and listening to my troubles, but he’s actually watching the Fox news report whilst polishing the same glass over and over. Jim gets it. Talking it out with Jim’s dishrag, I realize that maybe I need to reclaim some of karma I lost along the way whilst doing this job. I need to restore my honor.
I stumble out into the street, grab a jerrycan of premium Texan gasoline, and pour it into the inlet socket of the Prius. Karma restored, I whistle a merry tune and do a cowboy strut over to the bus since I live one state over.
I let mine walk over a keyboard, and he practically typed out his suicide note.
You mean an infinite polyhedron? Are you out of your mind?
Pure apologist trite. That “hostile external power using terrorists and magic” is the standard rhetoric you hear broadcast from every castle. Toadstools and Goombas coexisted in the Kingdom for aeons, and it was only the Red Queen’s bloody reign of divide-and-conquer that set neighbour upon neighbour and amped up the tensions between these two groups. Just because she calls herself a Peach now and rebranded the area as The Mushroom Kingdom, doesn’t wipe away the blood of all those she displaced.
I thank G.I. Toad for his service
It’s one thing to process your grief by burying yourself in your work and relying on your family to support you, but its another thing to go on a shroom-fueled psychedelic jaunt whilst assaulting public servants and their lizard pets.
Maybe we shouldn’t be enabling this, especially since his impressionable younger brother is currently under trial for murdering a CEO.
“Free your mind”