Cleanlines in a world where too many people hold gross opinions and values that run contrary to every ounce of compassion inside you is pretty fucking punk
Cleanlines in a world where too many people hold gross opinions and values that run contrary to every ounce of compassion inside you is pretty fucking punk
You can pretend that clinical significance is the gold standard measure of disability if you like, but you should recognize that you leave a MASSIVE gap in your effectiveness both as a diagnostician and a practitioner if you neglect all the masking your client has been doing to deal with everybody’s demands their whole life. Seeing that bias in someone pretending to treat me would be enough reason for me to walk out of the appointment and schedule with someone more capable and knowledgeable.
Yeah. It’s so fucking shortsighted to be like, “Eh, you did fine, look at your grades. You can’t be that disabled.” Like, you putzes, are you kidding me? If I hadn’t been spending all my mental energy clearing all these pointless obstacles, I might have cured fucking pancreatic cancer by now. It’s not just about what’s convenient for caretakers, teachers, and a health team, it’s about being denied the opportunity that most other people are handed without asking to achieve everything they’re capable of doing.
Replace the berries with tiny fists as a visual indicator
You say this like drawing blood from wild beavers is a trivial task!
I take pleasure in knowing that, if there truly is an infinite number of universes, there’s at least one in which a cat is intentionally pulling themself around in a wagon while pooping.