•How to get a personal X.509 certificate for S/MIME signing/encryption that validates my identity as a person?
5 days agoAs you’ve found, nobody really wants to deal with this for individuals.
Thanks for confirming my findings. At least I know that I am not mistaken…
As far as the decentralized web of trust, gpg, keyservers, keysigning parties are concerned I am on board for a long time. However, with that approach I cannot just tell some random person from some random company to send me an encrypted response to my gpg signed e-mail…
I also used, which is a hybrid approach, back in the day when an inclusion in Mozilla products was still on the table.
The problem with those personal certificates is that nobody checks any ID, so there is no guarantee that it’s me and therefore it is not a qualified electronic signature. Sure, the encryption aspect works for that random guy behind his Outlook client, but my mail will not be marked as green i.e. “you can trust that it really is that guy”.