The plight of union men throughout the ages, really.
The plight of union men throughout the ages, really.
To self-host, you do not need to know how to code.
I agree but also say that learning enough to be able to write simple bash scripts is maybe required.
There’s always going to be stuff you want to automate and knowing enough bash to bang out a script that does what you want that you can drop into cron or systemd timers is probably a useful time investment.
There’s almost never only a single option to offer me what I’m after, so I’ll just go back to my search results or whatever and pick the next link and move on.
There’s no way in hell I’m giving some jackasses my phone number, though. I don’t even like giving people who really actually need to be able to call me my number, so why would I give some sketchy-ass website it?
Beep, when the beep beep beep.
I don’t disagree, but if it’s a case where the janky file problem ONLY appears in Jellyfin but not Plex, then, well, jank or not, that’s still Jellyfin doing something weird.
No reason why Jellyfin would decide the French audio track should be played every 3rd episode, or that it should just pick a random subtitle track when Plex isn’t doing it on exactly the same files.
One thing I ran into, though it was a while ago, was that disk caching being on would trash performance for writes on removable media for me.
The issue ended up being that the kernel would keep flushing the cache to disk, and while it was doing that none of your transfers are happening. So, it’d end up doubling or more the copy time because the write cache wasn’t actually helping removable drives.
It might be worth remounting without any caching, if it’s on, and seeing if that fixes the mess.
But, as I said, this has been a few years, so that may no longer be actively the case.
If you share access with your media to anyone you’d consider even remotely non-technical, do not drop Jellyfin in their laps.
The clients aren’t nearly as good as plex, they’re not as universally supported as plex, and the whole thing just has the needs-another-year-or-two-of-polish vibes.
And before the pitchfork crowd shows up, I’m using Jellyfin exclusively, but I also don’t have people using it who can’t figure out why half the episodes in a tv season pick a different language, or why the subtitles are somtimes english, and sometimes german, or why some videos occasionally don’t have proper audio (l and r are swapped) and how to take care of all of those things.
I’d also agree your thought that docker is the right approach to go: you don’t need docker swarm, or kubernetes, or whatever other nonsense for your personal plex install, unless you want to learn those technologies.
Install a base debian via netinstall, install docker, install plex, done.
There is nothing like interacting with real people to show you how unreal, unproductive, and honestly uninfluential the chronically online environment is.
This: the internet is fake bullshit from start to finish.
At this point, staying online feels a lot like making a choice to be miserable and have shitty mental health.
And yes, I’m aware the irony or whatever of someone posting that online, but my online footprint has gone from your usual corporate media shit down to… uh, Lemmy.
Which is not by any means perfect, but it’s a lot less fucking awful than what Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/Reddit are trying very hard to do to you.
Timely post.
I was about to make one because iDrive has decided to double their prices, probably because they could.
$30/tb/year to $50/tb/year is a pretty big jump, but they were also way under the market price so capitalism gonna capital and they’re “optimizing” or someshit.
I’ve love to be able to push my stuff to some other provider for closer to that $30, but uh, yeah, no freaking clue who since $60/tb/year seems to be the more average price.
Alternately, a storage option that’s not S3-based would also probably be acceptable. Backups are ~300gb, give or take, and the stuff that does need S3-style storage I can stuff in Cloudflare’s free tier.
+1 for Frigate, because it’s fantastic.
But don’t bother on an essentially depreciated google product, and skip the coral.
The devs have added the same functionality on the GPU side, and if you’ve got a gpu (and, well, you do, because OpenVino supports intel iGPUs) just use that instead and save the money on a coral for something more useful.
In my case, I’ve both used a coral AND openvino on a coffee lake igpu, and uh, if anything, the igpu was about 20% faster inference times.
Working rootkit anti-cheat, so I can dump Windows.
Stuttering and texture pop-in makes me immediately wonder if your SSD shit itself.
Maybe see if there’s anything in the system logs and/or SMART data that indicates that might be a problem?
Stuff your mouth full of cotton, and find someone to kick you in the head a few times. That’s pretty close.
I think the thing a LOT of people forget is that the majority of steam users aren’t hardcore do-nothing-but-gaming-on-their-pc types.
If you do things that aren’t gaming, your linux experience is still going to be mixed and maybe not good enough to justify the switch: wine is good, and most things have alternatives, but not every windows app runs, and not every app alternative is good enough.
Windows is going to be sticky for a lot longer because of things other than games for a lot of people.
A thing you may not be aware of, which is nifty, is the M.2 -> SATA adapters.
They work well enough for consumer use, and they’re a reasonably cheap way of adding another 4-6 SATA ports.
And, bonus, you don’t need to add the heat/power and complexity of some decade old HBA to the mix, which is a solution I’ve grown to really, really, dislike.
Listen, I can’t deal with my sore back, bum knee, AND a hangover all at once.
The chances of both failing is very rare.
If they’re sequential off the manufacturing line and there’s a fault, they’re more likely to fail around the same time and in the same manner, since you put the surviving drive under a LOT of stress when you start a rebuild after replacing the dead drive.
Like, that’s the most likely scenario to lose multiple drives and thus the whole array.
I’ve seen far too many arrays that were built out of a box of drives lose one or two, and during rebuild lose another few and nuke the whole array, so uh, the thought they probably won’t both fail is maybe true, but I wouldn’t wager my data on that assumption.
(If you care about your data, backups, test the backups, and then even more backups.)
You can find reasonably stable and easy to manage software for everything you listed.
I know this is horribly unpopular around here, but you should, if you want to go this route, look at Nextcloud. It 's a monolithic mess of PHP, but it’s also stable, tested, used and trusted in production, and doesn’t have a history of lighting user data on fire.
It also doesn’t really change dramatically, because again, it’s used by actual businesses in actual production, so changes are slow (maybe too slow) and methodical.
The common complaints around performance and the mobile clients are all valid, but if neither of those really cause you issues then it’s a really easy way to handle cloud document storage, organization, photos, notes, calendars, contacts, etc. It’s essentially (with a little tweaking) the entire gSuite, but self-hosted.
That said, you still need to babysit it, and babysit your data. Backups are a must, and you’re responsible for doing them and testing them. That last part is actually important: a backup that doesn’t have regular tests to make sure they can be restored from aren’t backups they’re just thoughts and prayers sitting somewhere.
I’d also argue it makes it harder to use, period: something that takes me 10 seconds to read somehow ends up being a 5 minute video, of which 90% is fluff that’s not related to the problem.
I’ve yet to land on a tutorial video that gets to the point and doesn’t feel the need to waste a ton of time introducing themselves, a paragraph about what we’re doing, asking me to subscribe, talking about their sponsor and so on.
I lament the death of the text-based tutorial and strongly dislike the youtube format video.
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