Personally I use 24 hr time and YYYY-MM-DD date format almost exclusively, but here in the US you’ll get a bunch of people arguing and frothing at the mouth that MM-DD-YYYY is way superior because you say “March 16th 2025” instead of “2025 March 16th” and 24 hr clock is called “military time” because they are the ones using it. So, in short, it’ll take a lot of effort to change people’s habits.
Personally I use 24 hr time and YYYY-MM-DD date format almost exclusively, but here in the US you’ll get a bunch of people arguing and frothing at the mouth that MM-DD-YYYY is way superior because you say “March 16th 2025” instead of “2025 March 16th” and 24 hr clock is called “military time” because they are the ones using it. So, in short, it’ll take a lot of effort to change people’s habits.