Nor is Norwegian. For simplicity’s sake they bundle all the dialects together as Nynorsk.
Just this guy, you know?
Nor is Norwegian. For simplicity’s sake they bundle all the dialects together as Nynorsk.
The people of Cremona are eying you suspiciously.
Along that road out the bottom of the picture around the bottom of the fjord to the town of Ísafjörður which is not far out of view on the left.
He’s a keeper!
But really. Those look awesome!
Although… The Italians wouldn’t approve of parmesan cheese with prawns.
Does it count if you know the thing it’s known for but not that it’s a place?
True. But most European countries have parliamentary democracies with more or less proportional representation. Then the details vary wildly.
(Although the UK has FPTP single candidate constituencies so they’re nearly as bad)