Oh, not since 1954, well excuse me! :P
Oh, not since 1954, well excuse me! :P
Inertia, convenience of what you’re used to, and all of your friends are over there and have never heard of ‘the fediverse’.
Iono, I would normally say a deep forest green, but I have recently been growing in appreciation of purple.
Sneaky space elves, of course. Haven’t you heard? Elves are magic.
I heard some grocery chain was experimenting with rfid chips on all their products so you can just load up and leave and sensors at the door detect what you’re carrying and charge you the appropriate amount automatically. Personally I’d rather pull up to a register and have it show me a list of what’s in my cart and the total price rather than automatically charging, but otherwise it’s not a bad idea.
Boy n the Hood
I mean, if you believe Camus, yes?
Windows user who turned that shit on within an hour of installing the OS:
Ah, good ol’ Gowron Crazy-Eyes. On more than one occasion I was convinced those suckers were just going to pop right out of his head.