8 am is too late, sunrise must be before school start.
8 am is too late, sunrise must be before school start.
Just go outside earlier. We should change jobs and work hours not cause half of everyone sleep deprivation. We can all can win, but its not by using DST year round.
What ever time is fine, we just have to stop switching.
Not having sunrise unill 8:15 in winter is nightmarish. Its also much easier to make your room dark in mid summer than stimulate sunrise in mid winter.
Ive been struggling getting good sleep bc i had to wake up in the dark the last month, finally felt ok yesterday with the time switch. DST is a nightmare of sleep deprivation.
Just give money. Its bizarre and sick that you feel the need to have your gift blessed by a corporation. As if the 3 minutes spent buying the things to have some fraction taken by your corporate overlord somehow means you tried anymore than giving a stack of money.
So Christmas gifts are a market?
Do you really think all exchange of goods is a market?
The ole can have criticism without perfect solutions response. Cool, how useless and pointless of you.
I, a socialist, hate markets. They are simplistic and functional artifacts of the available way to pass information.
Then perhaps school should adjust but if new York stayed on -5 in winter Schools would start in the dark, which actually happens in a lot of places. Its bad for kids and we should use schools schedules bc they are publicly aun and the people who we must take care of to set the time. Everything else is obviously flexible.