Plutus, Haskell, Nix, Purescript, Swift/Kotlin. laser-focused on FP: formality, purity, and totality; repulsed by pragmatic, unsafe, “move fast and break things” approaches
AC24 1DE5 AE92 3B37 E584 02BA AAF9 795E 393B 4DA0
It’s by design. Divide and conquer Combine and conquer has been the playbook since they (anti-labor think tanks like the Progressive Policy Institute and others that seek to keep labor infighting) started studying group psychology.
I was on the set of Sea of Trees with Gus Van Sant when the news broke. Needless to say, we wrapped suddenly the moment the news broke.
I HIGHLY recommend forking a nix-config that uses flakes, home-manager, and whatever window manager you prefer. Since Nix is so versatile (and the documentation of flakes and home-manager are BAD), I found it absolutely crucial to reuse a well-architected config and slowly modify it in a VM to sketch out my config until it was stable enough to try on a real machine.
That’s interesting and you make a great point.
From my perspective, I showed how a simple change to US and UK election laws can topple the two party system overnight.
Literally, if there are only two private parties run by private organizations of rich people, they merely have to divide us and conquer us. We are being puppeteered by a bunch of corporations that use identity politics to keep the poor fighting amongst themselves and people SLURP THAT SHIT UP BECAUSE THE TWO PARTY SYSTEM CODIFIES IT INTO EVERY DECISION.
Feudalism with a few more steps.
Interesting point, though and I can see what you mean.
Truly, if my comment were to make sense, I’d have to say they have “combined” and conquered.