thank you, yes i found it now :D
thank you, yes i found it now :D
hey, what made you move from grafene to lineage? i heard its best to use grafene on pixels.
thanks for your response. I completely agree with you; the goalpost is always changing. it is really wonderful that you are doing a lot of self-hosting! do you use nextcloud for serving your self hosted files on the cloud? i guess self-hosting won’t work for me since i am usually always on the move :D
:) haha, yes you are right and i do realize this. i guess i am doing what suits my preferences and life the best and choosing the lesser evil. as i mentioned in my post, flashing custom roms on my devices for the remaining years of my life is not convenient for me.
thanks, i will check adguard on safari; did you find it any good as ublock origin on firefox?
never heard about collabora office; i will check this out as well! thanks! are they open source?
thank you so much for the suggestions; do you know if there is a way to use Organic Maps on iphone? similarly, I did use LibreOffice many years ago when I was using Ubuntu on my old laptop, but ever since i moved to macbook, i never thought about it, i should give it a try once again. thank you again for sharing!
also, you have no idea how happy you made me by giving me my first comment on my first lemmy post!!
i chat with you on your webpage, but how do i get notification or your replies once i switch off the webpage. there has to be some form of unique identifier of the people you messaging with. idk if that how it works but it seems to make sense no?