Why are they wasting this on Picard ships?
Why are they wasting this on Picard ships?
Every day this world gets dumber and dumber and yet I’m still surprised by how completely incompetent and unstable the main ENT crew (sans T’Pol and Phlox) are. It is something that even by 2025 standards - which are just about the lowest standards for stupidity possible - these people probably could probably not get through a week working at Walmart without getting fired for like fighting a stranger or sexually harassing their coworker.
Brent Spiner, who has a story credit on “Star Trek Nemesis”
Life finds new ways to disappoint you every day
Their capital city being a bunch of egg-shaped buildings around a giant birdcage building was a hilarious touch.
“Kahless, the first one, the original one, the one who did impressions” is just, I have no words
Boims is an indoor kid
Real M’Benga erasure here
FINALLY a Cerritos!