Except that there exist multiple physical layouts and then keys can be missing and some keys are shaped different.
Goodbye Reddit, Hello Lemmy
Except that there exist multiple physical layouts and then keys can be missing and some keys are shaped different.
I program like I learned it? I use my German QWERTZ layout. A lot of keys are different, yes, but I grew up with this layout and I’m used to it. Imagine giving me a US QWERTY layout and I would misstype every time. I even hate it when Windows swtiches my keyboard layout, even though I removed the shortcuts to it and I misstype constantly. Heck even Visual Studio switched my shortcuts and it sucked.
After some time I realized that (Game) Devs suck, because they forget that other layouts exist. Its not a big deal, but at some point I realized that the Chats on T, Y, U makes much more sense on a QWERTY Layout. Also Markdown with ` kinda sucks. For a codeblock, I need to hold shift and press the key that is left of backspace 3 times and then one space, because when I press it once, nothing happens but pressing it a second time, 2 appear. Pressing space let it appear directly. Or I type 4 and remove one.
But this it what I’m used to. And if I ever would work outside Germany, I will bring my own QWERTZ keyboard and require them to install the German Keyboard. I don’t need a German UI. I have all programming related software in English, because its easier to google stuff.
Auto update. Works like a charm, except PostgreSQL. For me it’s good enough and even though works with containers, where they don’t recommend it. I do have backups and for my private time, I don’t get paid, so it should be as maintenance as possible from my side.
I do check from time to time if something is broken and I noticed a container where they removed a version tag, I was using. The “biggest” thing that was broken, was my gitea server where they changed the config for the default Theme.
Also that’s why I hate PostgreSQL. It requires manual labor for updating. Had a recipe Docker and they cut support for previous major version quickly. Not good. That stuff could break, ist an option with every update. This is why backups exist. As a single user, it’s not a problem. For a big system, I wouldn’t do auto updates, so I can check if everything works.