You know they hate you right?
You know they hate you right?
Only bumper sticker I have says “shoot your local predator” with a camera (thanks anxiety war!) What does that say about me?
Probably harder to build than just fixing an existing house, but do you…
If you learn skills such as how to fix shit yourself, owning a house is very obtainable.
I got real lucky when I was in college, I was messaging this cute black chick (I’m white) and then she TOLD me she catfished me and then sent me her real pic and she was hotter with massive tatas. I don’t get the catfish. A 2 year long distance ensued. Some grade A shit. Jersey girls SMH. Fucking looney toons
Everyone who is a US citizen and didn’t vote, comment “HERE” please
Boy, you really told those rednecks who have no idea how to use the internet outside of Facebook! I’ll bet they won’t make that mistake again!
We need to start protesting and interrupting church. Fuck this shit
What fbi?
His only hope is going to be assassinating Putin and hope the next person ends it.
No. I bought it and it was pushing my internet speed down by half with all options tried, it would also gradually slow further. I switched back to express, it’s no hassle at all, ever.
Are you serious with this comment? I can’t even tell anymore. If you are, you are stupid af
Why is there a subreddit called crack? Like why are there subs to discuss illegal shit?
You Def don’t want to work there then. Problem solved. Ceo is a fuck-face.
Hey guy named morrowind who never played it (or so you say)