To be fair, I’ve seen boars lay a person’s hand open to the bone when she tried to break up a fight
To be fair, I’ve seen boars lay a person’s hand open to the bone when she tried to break up a fight
Scuttling purposes or of its far enough in the future/sci-fi enough you might not want the data/object surviving if you can’t have it
There was a crossover, it was… neat
It rotates, currently a lot of filk (Space Asshole and Pushing the Speed of Light are favorites) last month I was listenig to Aviators(Can You Hear It?, Stay Dead) The Birthday Massacre(Kill the Lights, Divide), E.M.M.P. (any of their tzeentch tracks and This Quiet Offends Slannesh) but if you just want to get absolutely torched and just vibe? Stone Rebel, albums of just pure vibe.
I disagree, you want to eradicate millions of people because some went against you. Not only that you are only targeting part of them, the men. Women shifted right just as much
Men are isolated from a young age and told to be strong at all costs, you can only live that way so long before pain turns to hate, because hate hurts less to carry alone
How about we don’t punish millions of innocent people like a fucking lunatic and look at why this happened.
Fuck you, I didn’t vote for the fucker eother.
gives side eye in indigenous Glass houses bro
Honestly I am so goddamn tired of this shit, everytime something like the bear question comes up it blatantly tilted in one side or the others favor and dissent is crushed in both sets of spaces and no one learns anything.
I always felt like they stretched a Star Trek skin over another IPs pilot in season 1
Another run of this experiment found rats free those with the same fur color faster or more readily