This feels like the meme equivalent to a dad joke.
This feels like the meme equivalent to a dad joke.
Irony on the public side of internet died with Gamergate. It’s all been downhill since then.
Edit: In case this was misinterpreted, I meant that irony died when Gamergate started, because vitriol and far right dogwhistles infested everything.
Sounds like a hell of a lot of money for a CEO who kept insisting that he had to kill 3rd party apps because Reddit still isn’t profitable.
Humans are rationalizing creatures, much more than rational ones. Our first gut reaction is trying to make sense of why we think what we think and why we behave how we behave, rather than trying to figure out if it does actually make sense. If this natural tendency could be changed, the world would be far less of a shithole.
Enough talk about trans rights, it’s time to talk about trans wrongs /s