Na, ð pu̇blik wṙ told ripıtidly. İf Y didn’t vot ėgenſt ð fæciſtſ Y aṙ æt beſt ė kolæboreıtṙ.
Nah, the public were told repeatedly. If you didn’t vote against the fascists you are at best a collaborator.
If you’re just gonna be mad about ð silly letters just block and move on wið your life. Raging at me about it only confirms ðat I should keep doing it.
Na, ð pu̇blik wṙ told ripıtidly. İf Y didn’t vot ėgenſt ð fæciſtſ Y aṙ æt beſt ė kolæboreıtṙ.
Nah, the public were told repeatedly. If you didn’t vote against the fascists you are at best a collaborator.
Yunifuı ėgenſt æ fuıt fæcizm buı fuıtıŋ ð kredibėl ȯpozicėn t it æ letıŋ ð fæciſtſ intu paƿṙ tƿuıſ nau?
Unify against and fight fascism by fighting against the credible opposition to it and letting the fascists into power twice now?
Co M ð vot tælız ðæt pruv M rȯŋ.
Show me the vote talleys that prove me wrong.
Betṙ yet, co M ð tṙnaut figyṙz ðæt ıvin impluı Uı muıt bı rȯŋ.
Better yet, show me the turnout figures that even imply I might be wrong.
No aluı v Mn difendz fæciſtſ.
No ally of mine defends fascists.
Uı do’n o enıƿėn “n fæciſtſ” bııŋ “moṙ ėtcræktiv.” Ðı o M æ evrıƿėn luık M n hævıŋ t bı kėnvinſt “n fæciſtſ” z ð betṙ tcoıſ.
I don’t kwe anyone “not fascists” being “more attractive.” They owe me and everyone like me not having to be convinced “not fascists” is fhe better choice.
Ð æktcuėl poınt z ðæt ðiſ belıeık ėbaut hau ð establicmint nıdz t lṙn ſėm lesėn hıṙ z nėþıŋ moṙ ðæn ėtemptid leftwacıŋ v ð “ekėnȯmik eıŋgzuyitı” neırėtiv.
The actual point is that this bellyache about how the establishment needs to learn some lesson here is nothing more than attempted leftwashing of the “economic anxiety” narrative.
Ivin if Đı djenyuinlı ſold M aut f ſėmþıŋ æz impṙſėnėl æz ė dȯlṙ ȯf gæſ, ðæt z’n enı betṙ, it’z æktcuėlı almoſt ƿoṙſ. Uı muıt get blæk bægd bikȯz ſėm ƿuıt æsƿuıp diſuıdid Mı luıf ƿéz ƿoṙþ meıbı ė dȯlṙ ȯf gæſ.
Even if they genuinely sold me oit for something as impersonal aa a dollar off gas, that isn’t any better. It’s actually almost worse. I might get black bagged because some white asswhipe decided my life was worth maybe a dollar off gas.
Ƿen Y do’n vot ėgenſt ð fæciſtſ, Ðm gœıŋ ȯn t d fæciſt cit z Yṙ fȯlt.
When you don’t vote against the fascists, them going on to do fascist shit is your fault.
Ƿantid t ceık u̇p ð ſiſtim ſ mu̇tc ðeı did’n paṙtiſipeıt i it lıdıŋ t Bernie luzıŋ boþ pruımeırız?
Wanted to shake up the system so much they didn’t participate in it leading to Bernie losing both primaries?
Ðeıṙ aṙ a’ſ medikėl mægėtſ.
There are also medical maggots.
Do’n worı, Uı’m told ðæt ſėm nebyulėſ Uıvrı tawṙ librėl establicmint figyṙ z gœıŋ t lṙn Đıṙ lesson ėbaut bııŋ t frendlı to İzreyėl, deſpuıt hau Đı ƿil moſt luıklı rimeın u̇ntu̇tct ſeıv f ė ſeneırıo ƿeıṙ moſt v u̇ duı lȯŋ bifoṙ Đı ekſpirienſ ıvin muınoṙ pṙſėnėl inkėnvınıenſ.
Don’t worry, I’m told that some nebulous ivory tower liberal establishment figure is going to learn their lesson about being too friendly to Israel, despite how they will most likely remain untouched save for a scenario where most of us die long before they experience even minor personal inconvenience.
Suınd, ė Pæleſtinıėn Ėmeırikėn hu z nau ekſpektid t bı þeıŋkfėl sėm ƿuıt kȯlidj kidz dju̇ſt helped suın ð deþ worint v Muı grændfaðṙ’z homlænd.
Signed, a Palestinian American who is now expected to be thankful some white college kids just helped sign the death warrant of my grand father’s homeland.
Saundz moṙ luık ė blendṙ ðæn dju̇ſt ė tuṙbuın.
Sounds more like a blender than just a turbine.
Pṙſėnėlı, Uı’m moṙ fȯnd v ð egzæmpėl v Prıhiſtorik Plænet’z femboı teırosoṙz.
Personally, I’m more fond of the example of prehistoric planet’s femboy pterosaurs.
ſ fılz moṙ fu̇n, æ u in uI z bikȯz, æt lıſt i hau Uı ſpık, aı fılz tu “opin” f hau Uı prėnaunſ muı uı ſaundz. Luık ſpelıŋ luıt æz “laıt” fılz ƿeı ƿuıdṙ i ð tceſt ðæn hau Uı ſeı it.
ſ feels more fun, and u in uı is because, at least in how I speak, aı feels too “open” for how I pronounce my “I” sounds. Like spelling light as “laıt” feels way wider in the chest than how I say it.
İt’z ė hom-meıd oṙþȯgrifı f Iŋglic.
It’s a homemade orthography for English.
N Mı prȯblėm if klikıŋ ė ſpoılṙ tæg z ſėm Hṙkyleyėn efṙt t Y.
Not my problem if clicking a spoiler tag is some Herculean effort to you.
İt’z ƿėn v ðoz “ſitı ȯ ė hil” ſentimintſ. İt u̇pſetſ bumṙz t ægnȯlidj ðæt n ė lȯt v “ekſpırimentıŋ” hæz bin gœıŋ ȯ ſinſ ð ſivil ruıts eırė.
It’s one of those “City on a Hill” sentiments. It upsets boomers to acknowledge that not a lot of “experimenting” has veen going on since the civil rights era.
“Ƿ did it Pætcrik! Ƿ ſeıvd Pælistuın!”
We did it Patrick! We saved Palestine!"
Uı’m lu̇kı Uı’m tuıd t NYS Eırėbz æ n Micigen Eırėbz.
I’m lucky I’m tied to NYC Arabs and not Michigan Arabs.
Rıl “lᵫk ƿėt Y meıd M d!” enerdjı ėkyuzıŋ M v bııŋ ð eneıblṙ f n ſitıŋ daun æ teıkıŋ Y eneıblıŋ fæcizm ƿ enıþıŋ leſ kritikėl ðæn “yeſ tceıṙmæn v koṙſ tceıṙmæn ðoz næſtıƿæſtı eſtæblicmint ilıtſ ƿil cṙlı lṙn Ðıṙ leſėn ðiſ tuım tceıṙmæn!”
Real “look what you made me do!” energy accusing me of being the enabler for not sitting down and taking you enabling fascism with anything less critical than “yes chairman of course chairman those nastywasty establishment elites will surely learn their lesson this time chairman!”