You should check out My Favorite Murder. True crime, comedy, women. A winning combo!
You should check out My Favorite Murder. True crime, comedy, women. A winning combo!
This is what happens when you systematically dismantle the public education system.
I was born and raised in the states and I’ve never experienced this. There’s usually beer or wine for the adults who want it at every gathering. The one exception is maybe baptisms but only because the reception is usually in the church hall. Maybe it’s a southern thing? I’ve never been to the south and they do have some weirdly puritan social beliefs.
I’m a wife whose husband feels this way and let me just say, for a lot of heterosexual women (especially millennials; the 90’s were rough for girls) it is very VERY hard to internalize this message, no matter how often we hear it.
But I’m trying! And it makes me so happy that he loves my body, so I don’t get tired of hearing it, even if it’s a little uncomfortable having to confront my low self esteem.
They haven’t?
I have a TV from ~2010 that still gives me static when something isn’t connected.