What grit did you use for this? I’ve always been curious about sanding down the rougher surfaces, but haven’t pulled the trigger since I’ve read conflicting results about seasoning after the fact.
What grit did you use for this? I’ve always been curious about sanding down the rougher surfaces, but haven’t pulled the trigger since I’ve read conflicting results about seasoning after the fact.
I’m well aware that it doesn’t necessarily improve anything, which is why I’ve never sanded my Lodge pan down. However, I also don’t see how it would make the pan worse, which is why I’m asking how it impacts the ability for seasoning to adhere, the only thing this could possibly do to make the pan worse. I use a 1950s Wagner for my cast iron cooking now, and I much prefer its polished surface to that of a stock Lodge. I’ve done plenty of my own Googling to find anecdotal experience with sanding down the surfaces and did not find definitive answers on sanding, so if you have any sources on it being strictly worse or personal experience I’d be happy to learn more.