Why would he be italicized? ‘Was’ would be italicized because the emphasis is being put on the fact that he actually was an alien.
Why would he be italicized? ‘Was’ would be italicized because the emphasis is being put on the fact that he actually was an alien.
Yeah, the entire joke is a subversion of expectations. The only reason the joke works at all is because the format is being used “incorrectly”.
I’ve never understood how one can just throw out half their holy book because their God (supposedly) decided to change the rules. This does not change the fact that he (supposedly) did these evil acts. If you just ignore the parts of the bible you don’t like, God’s a pretty great dude! An argument against Yahweh’s character does not change depending on which parts of the bible are still valid, unless your claim is that the old testament was never valid. In which case, why believe any of it?
Regardless, even the new testament depicts a despicable being. Would it not have been easy, as an all-powerful and all-loving god, to tell people not to own slaves? But no, instead in the new testament slaves are told on multiple occasions to obey their masters. One can preach about love all they want, but when their holy book endorses slavery, I cannot take them seriously.
Regarding your last point, that’s just false. I can criticize the Joker as being evil for killing hundreds, thousands of people. That doesn’t mean the Joker or Batman are real. That’s because I’m criticizing a being described in a story, not something I believe is real.
Edit: I, too, will extend my thinking here. If you believe in an all-powerful and all-knowing god, you need not even look any further through scripture for evidence that he is an evil being. He had the power to create any world with full knowledge of what would be to come, and the world he chose to make was this one. One rife with childhood cancer, slavery, starvation, torture, and natural disasters. This is not a world created by an all-loving being.
I do agree that not all Christians are inherently bad people, but I would be lying if I said I don’t lose respect for anyone who can follow and worship such an awful and evil being as the Christian god.
Well-priced for the content of the game itself, with or without 20% off.
I can’t tell if I’m tired and missing your point, or if you misunderstood me.
I am specifically referring to inmate-on-inmate SA. As prisons are typically segregated by gender, the offender and victims would both be female in this case. Guard-on-inmate SA on the other hand is mostly male offenders as one might unfortunately expect.
You have such a way with words.
While certainly a minority, they are not negligible. Especially so in prisons, where inmate-on-inmate SA can be over 3 times higher for women than for men.
Well, considering the question was, “is there anything that literally only males like”, and there are in fact women that sexually assault other women, then yes, you are wrong.
99% of my negativity is coming from Lemmy. Scroll by all and it’s difficult to go 2 posts without finding bad news, especially about the US (where I live). Scroll by anything else and there’s barely any content. Honestly, I might need to call it quits on Lemmy for a while.
Right, but what if they’re hot?
Drama aside, then is used for time, whereas than is for comparisons.
I am taller than her
And then we watched a movie
An example correctly using both back-to-back would be:
Good question, linking the article directly definitely would have been better. I’m not the OP if you didn’t notice, I just saw the article link.
The Reddit post directly links to an article. It’s not in English though.
I don’t see how the entire screenshot would be any harder to photoshop. But you can look through this thread and find multiple different people confirming it on their ends too.
I see you’ve already seen that one, but the point is multiple people are having different results. Unless you think like 10 different people are independently lying about it.
Youre right, lets throw away all technology and strip naked because people were abused in the making of them! What a stupid gotcha argument.
The emphasis is not being placed on was because it’s past tense, it’s being placed on was because the shitpost is ironically somewhat accurate. You can replace it with is if you’d like for the same meaning. On the other hand, everyone knows we’re talking about Neil as there is no other relevant subject, so bringing attention to the word he doesn’t really make any sense.
Perhaps it would read better if they had said “…he actually was an alien”?