Blink and it’s GONE
The alternative search engine that does what’s right, we believe that privacy is a human right and that a true alternative must have its own index 👉
Blink and it’s GONE
qwant and ecosia are both using bing, with the latter using google sometimes: map needs updating for that latter point
indeed so, thanks for flagging this I’ll get it raised so we can see what’s going on there
our preference is always to find out why the block is happening and try to convince people it should be otherwise; widespread abuse of robots.txt does no-one any good, having been crawling and indexing for so long it’s a standard that we understand and are quite fond of
we can see some of the perils and pitfalls of it too, but web builders need to be given some tools and assurances that those tools will work for them
IP already hits a wall, also better to not get a reputation as a bad bot, it’s taken a while to get known for being friendly and respecting rules, to us you should follow robots
Agree to disagree here, but I’ll refer to Cory Doctorow for a contextual vs behavioral/tracking ads comparison, one which is very good: (applied to the media, but the general thread is relevant)
Reddit doesn’t allow us to crawl:
we make money mainly from our api, our investors are patient private capital and we don’t take vc, appreciate your point but these are fundamentally different situations, our ads (when they run) will also be contextual so more of a ddg situation than a “makes users into products to be sold to advertisers”
fair enough if it’s not for you though
“hello i am u/NotBillGates and I agree with this message”