Cat puking noises wake me up every fucking time so you’re onto something.
Cat puking noises wake me up every fucking time so you’re onto something.
Idk I’d rather a passerby toss their poop or other trash in my can rather than throw it on the ground. Hell if you’re really desperate and can’t afford trash service I’d even tolerate a bag. But don’t be filling up my can.
I used to like in a neighborhood where one lady would randomly throw her trash bags in someone’s yard or behind my fence. City wouldn’t do shit about her. I didn’t like any of it and never did figure out where she lived but I was at that point of just telling her to put it in the fucking can because at least I wouldn’t have to pick it up after the raccoons got into it and scattered it in the grass behind the fence.
When you’re living in your own fenced community surrounded by walls and trees it’s easy to ignore whatever is going on outside the property line.
Nightmare fuel. Imagine if someone used Ai to create porn of Cheeto and female Musk.