“Best eyes”
Adjusts glasses
“Best eyes”
Adjusts glasses
🍊 🤡 is looking for pretext to start a takeover
China really needs to start throwing their weight around on the global stage if they want to be anything more than a regional power.
China should be filling the vacuum on the global stage that the US is vacating.
I bet if Trump could take over earth by imprinting himself over people like Agent Smith, he would.
What you people don’t understand is that this is the right wing plan to introduce neoslavery with extra steps. As they continue to gut the government and safeguards, they’re going to lean HARD into prison labor and detainment camp labor to replace migrant labor and working poor labor.
It’s based on their percept that they’re superior and the people that end up here are subhuman, so they deserve to be slaves to enhance their supremacy.