Because China and Russia and the President are on the same side you dolts
Because China and Russia and the President are on the same side you dolts
Everyone is blaming the US for this and getting played.
Why didn’t this happen under Biden?
I believe firmly once the Flat earthers start to lose traction so will the Qanon and all the other dumb “conspiracy theories” then we can get back to the good stuff, bigfoot, aliens, loch Ness monster
I never understood this game got bored so fast
did Kendrick push for diversity hires? or is he just black lol
Lmfao uh huh sure buddy. Go talk to some Ukrainians
How is that hard to believe lol?
You think people are on the side of the guy attacking them
dummy said what
Why is breloom in there
Do you just… grab one off the street?
I just don’t really see anywhere in here a joke about transfolk, just about an old woman being ugly. I think the real joke is Austin is a bit insane I think this is soon after he’s thawed right?
I don’t think that joke is very problematic. She’s not trans, he’s a spy. It’s more a joke about older women than anything
I’m dumb so don’t listen to me but doesn’t the brain hallucinate when confronted with like a lack of stimuli? Thinking of deprivation tanks and isolation experiments and such.
Stuck running a 3 month campaign from April because my players wanna fuck around waterdeep too much.
Do the dragon heist god damnit! You have had the stone and eyes for 4 sessions now! It was stolen once and Manshoon has someone’s family hostage, just get the gold already!! Fuck!!
Jokes sorta, can’t be mad they don’t wanna stop playing
The best things to cook with aren’t from Europe; Garlic, Onion, Cinnamon, Peppers.
Ketchup is the biggest tho imo, not an ingredient but still
don’t make marginalized people be more marginalized. I don’t see how it matters if it happens in another instance if I was spouting hateful rhetoric but didn’t do it here does that keep me safe?
this is the most interested I’ve been in this movie should I watch it
It’s just not worth it imo. Easy to coexist around and not care
I bet in regular conversation on the topic of dragons nobody is going to lose their shit about you reminding people a dragon is a mythical creature.
But if you put it in context of this person it becomes mockery and that’s not cool.
Comments filled with propaganda bots defending a well known horrible regime