Finally, a programmer joke I get!
Is this thing on?
Finally, a programmer joke I get!
Instructions unclear: stuck hand up pussy and got voted in as President
they may as well be turning humanoid waste into food
Yeah, they are. Waste matter is reclaimed as energy/supplies for food production
It would imply that transporter and replicator technology are, basically, the same thing. I agree. This is supported by replicators and transporters having a very similar special effect on the show.
they’d have to be violating the laws of thermodynamics to get more efficient energy production than matter-to-energy conversion. I don’t follow here. Why do they ‘have’ to be? They could very well be spending more energy but the increased amount is ‘trivial’ from their perspective. This would not violate Thermodynamics.
Ah I think I see the confusion. They are using antimatter for energy creation. Energy to matter for transport or replication is ‘paid’ for by the matter to energy destruction of the og material (whether it be the transported individual, waste matter collected from the crew, equivalent amounts of reactor fuel, or some combination of these) and the excess cost of thermodynamics is paid for by the matter-antimatter reactions in the reactor.
Is the efficiency miraculous? Yes, ofc. Is it breaking thermodynamics? No. It’s easy to see how they are paying for the excess costs with reactor fuel and that is without any hand-wavium of subspace or dilithium crystals being involved.
They “nuh-uh’d” this in Enterprise. The inventor of the technology is introduced and basically says the people who propagate that theory are a constant thorn in his side, despite having no basis for it in the reality of that universe.
You’re welcome to believe the inventor if you wish, but I’d ask if you also believe the CEO of Boeing when he says their planes are safe…
They also show people experiencing, and reacting to other things in, the matter streams during longer transports. Kind of hard to do if you’re dead.
Yeah I can see why this’d be confusing. Keep in mind the transport process at the referenced time periods takes ~ 6 seconds. 3 to dematerialize, near instantaneous travel to the destination, and 3 to rematerialze. It is that part in the middle which makes it clear the person has died. Being conscious in the matter stream and hence thinking you’re the same person is the result of it being a near-perfect copy.
There are far more examples that refute the inventor:
Watering the tree of liberty something or other.
IIRC there are 3 different methods seen for food creation in Star Trek.
Protein Resequencers (ST:ENT, ST:TOS): which presumably take stored amino acids and combined them with supplementary minerals and flavouring into nutritious cubes that look like marshmallows.
Matter Recombinators/Food Sythesizers (ST:TOS): capable of taking stored matter and producing ‘simple’ foodstuffs like drinks, iced cream, slabs of protein similar to chicken breast or steak, etc. I think these were sometimes called replicators but the distinction is the production is done elsewhere and the food delivered in seconds on request.
Replicators (ST:TNG +): I swear they described this as direct energy to matter conversion but I can’t find the source for this. The seemingly ridiculous energy demands this requires can be justified by the fact they use matter+antimatter reactions for energy supply. A cup of water would take a cup of fuel give or take. (edit: To confuse the issue, it’s also described in Discovery that waste matter is broken down and used for things like replication, but matter=energy so it is all the same in the end).
Transporters: it’s been clear from the beginning the matter is being deconstructed into energy and sent to the destination where it is reconstructed using the original’s pattern. The ethics of it are dubious because every time you see someone transport they are being literally killed in front of your eyes and a new copy created elsewhere.
… and lookin like Robert Deniro to boot
According to Nadine Strossen, the case was part of a gradual process in the 20th century where the Court strengthened First Amendment protections and narrowed down the application of earlier decisions which upheld restrictions of free speech, in part due to the realisation that the Illinois restrictions on Nazi “hate speech” were so broad they could have been equally used to prohibit Martin Luther King Jr. demonstrations in Skokie.
People so quick to applaud censorship need to consider how their arguments can work against them to.
TIL. ty
My kingdom for ublock filter lines to remove posts with titles including “Trump” or “Musk”
frankly, this magazine is on notice
Um, what are you talking about?
Same story posted from 3 different news agencies x every news and politics community on Lemmy = 🤢
It would be an absolute shithole with almost 0 moderation due to 1a applicability. Defederation would happen regardless of who has gov majority.
Upgrade to a box grater. Slice, grate, shred, zest all in one.
tagged? Is that a Lemmy thing?
Boeing cease and desist inc
… “and to steal hash browns from your pan if you turn around for 5 seconds” apparently.
Imagine sitting in the doctor’s office and someone nearby lets out a ripper and the whole office suddenly smells like banana bread.
That’s what makes it mildly infuriating.
This is in-your-face pending shrinkflation. Once they run out of old packaging they will use new with reduced mass and count but same price. Also, you assume they’ve actually increased the number to keep the mass valid. I would not be shocked at all to learn they didn’t making this potential lawsuit material.