Anyone wanna toss in their money for rabid butterflies in 2025?
Anyone wanna toss in their money for rabid butterflies in 2025?
Remind him a shepherd doesn’t keep his little sheep around for their nice company, he’s going to sell or eat them.
“I love the poorly educated” - You know who
Dollarydoo is from a 1995 Simpsons episode
I’d say wielding a baby is more effective to get your point across than trying to swing an 8lb sword.
He am not a smart man Jenny, but at least he knows how to pontificate bullshit.
You will be able to see the point of this comic as it flies over their heads.
At least it has a flange so you won’t lose it
Is whammy bar gayer than Wham!?
He lost his mom to an Oreo Blizzard, I can’t blame him. She was eating one, got lost and never came home.
…and things that have not yet come to pass that joint Frodo are you listening man you’re fadin’ away gotta stay with it man ya know Frodo how far you think it is to Mordor man?..
An opera? About a woman? How deliciously absurd!
Midwest ball gag?