Goat farming sounds cool
Goat farming sounds cool
I’m sure US hatred of communism had an influence.
You think?
Anyway. Merry Christmas Lib
“Neither Washington nor Moscow, but actually Washington” faux-anti authority
Beautiful line comrade
Read the full comment. It literally answers it.
No it doesnt. You just say systemic issues and root causes and that they need to be addressed, you never say what they are. I said what i think the issue is its the US, i have no clue what you think it is
It’s your position that maintaining status quo is preferable to addressing the root cause since it’s fine with you if new NATO is born with a new name (lets call it MATO) as long as NATO specifically is dead.
That’s not my position lol. That’s the most overly simplistic read of my saying Death to NATO you could possibly take. “Death to NATO - I’m totally for the status quo though just as long as its not called NATO.” I wonder what you think it means when we say Death to America lol
All Russia has to do is stop being aggressive to its neighbors and NATO will automatically start falling apart
Then why was it that when the Russian Federation asked to join NATO back in the 90’s they were refused?
What about when the Soviet Union asked to join back in like '48 was it denied?
Because it exists to be aggressive toward designated enemies of the US
Merriam-Webster tankie
Its literally the worst war prevention alliance ever, but of course, the actual purpose of a thing is what it does
the systemic issues that created NATO in the first place
The systemic issue that created it in the furst place is US imperialism. The US doesn’t misuse NATO because its will is the only point of NATO.
What do you think the systemic issue is? You keep refering to it without naming it and act as if it deflects critisism of NATO instead of condemning it, which does not seem obvious to me.
Yet another lib who thinks imperialism means expanding territory/any invasion
Far better if the NATO backed coup that dissolved the USSR hadn’t happened
NATO does not prevent war. The term “defensive pact” is bullshit. NATO has always been a geopoltical aggressor. Its an appendage if US empire
? But your precious NATO already exists and thats happening lol
How is any of that positive for humanity?
Name one negative consequence of the dissolution of NATO
Considering NATO has been an enemy to humanity since its creation, its about as cold of a take as you can get
my country exists because NATO protects it.
Then “your country” shouldn’t exist. Its just a US vassal at that point anyway
it does serve other valid purposes
Name one
Or the US