I’m lucky enough to have an outlook account with a much more professional address than any of my other email addresses, not including than my secondary protonmail account. But I’m definitely gonna have to close that outlook account due to security reasons and get a new one (for professional stuff since I doubt anyone would accept anything other than gmail or outlook where I live).
Ain’t now way anyone is gonna say my gmail account (just used for yt because I like commenting on certain videos) saying I’m a fan of a long since dead yt channel is very professional. My outlook account at least was/is more professional as it is nothing but a few letters that don’t spell anything.
Easy Mode:
Definitely 2 of my favorite Weird Al songs that I don’t really hear people ever talk about:
Don’t Download This Song, and Virus Alert.
Hard Mode:
I don’t listen to non-Weird Al parody songs anymore and haven’t since late middle school to early highschool, so I got none in my head anymore.